Friday, September 17, 2010

Folding planes and site

The Reading for this week
Introduction to Atlas of Novel Tectonics

The Folding exercise with different steps.
Reprogamming the Dom-ino system allows us to investigate on the modern typology and shift it towards an architecture of continous planes meeting in 3 levels.
Dom-Ino system

Folding the Site allows us to investigate the site and the program. By creating a field condition, a site of events, one elaborate decisions, and geo-strategic moves, folds and cuts on the diagram of the site, thus creating a new topography. These steps are the same taken by digital scripting. The new topography is the diagram of the future house.

Diagram of the Mariotti House with elements of the program, Architecture Principe
Mariotti House, Model of the House, Architecture Principe
Mariotti House, Exterior Envelop, Architecture Principe

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible to know who did the picture 2, with the 3 white models ?
    I'm higly interressted and I would like to have more information on it !
    Thank you very much
